Luke Welch

No Pain, No Gain: Chasing the Dream

I have never been entirely comfortable discussing the circumstances I’m about to mention, though time has thankfully been able to heal these wounds for the most part – both literally and figuratively. I used to hold these events very close…

The Day Practicing the Piano Saved Someone’s Life

So this incident took place way back in November, 2019 at a time when travelling, socializing, and interpersonal human interaction was still a thing: I was extremely excited to be back in Vancouver, British Columbia – the beloved “Left Coast”…

Life As a Black Classical Pianist

From an early age, as I was first enrolled in piano lessons, I was quick to realize that there were not (m)any other young black pianists who were learning how to play classical music – at least that I had…

West Coast Diaries: Part 1

A House Concert with Q & A In late October, 2019, I flew off to beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada for a series of performances around the province. This epic national journey from Toronto – a solid 5.5 hours of…

A Homeward Reflection – Ontario 2017

Returning home after an extended period away always seems to encourage a wide range of emotions.  The predominant happy feeling was a constant throughout the visit, especially in circumstances such as this spring where it was a significant opportunity to…

West Coast Charm

I have always been a traveller of sorts – at a younger age accompanied by my family all around the city, then province, eventually expanding the circle exponentially as my career eventually brought me to Europe and beyond. As a Canadian, these excursions – especially around the national circuit – have always been both intriguing and slightly daunting as the second largest country in the world has a lot to offer and plenty of terrain to cover.

Rejecting Rejection!

It’s every musician’s potential nightmare: after dedicating countless hours to study, practice time, rehearsals, research, and every other imaginable form of preparation, it’s time to search for performance opportunities.  In some cases, a clearer path is forged for individuals who are able to successfully compete for an award, which is often padded with the reward of a generous concert schedule for a coming season or so.  In other instances, through general exposure, recommendation, or a promoter’s positive impressions after attending an artist’s live performance, there is also the possibility of receiving an invitation to perform at a particular venue or concert series.

“Why did the chicken cross the road?”

Crossing borders. Breaking barriers. Beyond the lines. Outside the box. This type of hyperbole represents the foundation of the title from my new Scarlatti album. The catchy title, which to some people is entirely unnecessary and smacks of lameness, is…

Back in the Groove!

Now that the new album is released, and the concert dates are set, the next live performance encounter is only a couple of days away – this time in Bonn, Germany!   I have been extremely fortunate to visit this exquisite city in the past, first as a tourist and later by fulfilling a concert pianist’s dream of playing in Beethoven Haus – the preserved iconic birthplace of the immortal composer.  This delightful hometown of Ludwig van Beethoven is steeped in heritage, cultural history, and is also surprisingly equipped with an appealing range of restaurants, shops, and attractions. 


Tick, tock, tick, tock…  I feel like a kid at Christmas waiting for Santa!  This persistent sense of anticipation that I am constantly trying to ignore is only pushing my energy to peak levels.  It’s done nothing but add extra…

Harry Jerome Arts Award Recipient: 2018


Hello, and welcome to the website of internationally acclaimed pianist and pedagogue Luke Welch. This website highlights performances, videos, recordings, and more.

Luke Welch

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